E.N.O.S. / European Network of Outdoor SportsView online version [[PERMALINK]]La version Française suit la version Anglaise.Le lien de désinscription se trouve en bas de page.[http://6h0x.mjt.lu/tplimg/6h0x/b/0n3k/slv96.jpeg] Content : * EUROMEET 2017 : SAVE THE DATE ! * NOTE TO PRESENT YOUR PROJECT AT THE EUROMEET ! * ON THE SUMMIT : ENOS & BOSS * SUCCESSFUL AS WELL, #BEACTIVE - GETWET [http://6h0x.mjt.lu/tplimg/6h0x/b/0n3k/slw4s.png][https://www.outdoor-sports-network.eu/page.cfm?docid=pages&pageid=213]EUROMEET 2017SAVE THE DATE!The 4th "Nature and Outdoor Sport Euro'meet" - will take place on the 26-30thSeptember 2017 in La Seu de Urgell - Pyrenees. The Euro'Meet" is the majorconference held every two years by the European Network of Outdoor Sports whichexplores the current issues relevant to those who promote, develop and manageoutdoor sports.Take advantage on the 25th Septembre, to organize your own network as well !NOTE TO PRESENT YOUR PROJECT AT THE EURO'MEET!The four focus themes of the Euro'meet 2017 will be: 1. Nature sports in protected areas 2. Active tourism 3. Outdoor sports and health 4. Mass participation mega outdoor sport events If you'd like to propose a case study and be a speaker at the next NATURE ANDSPORT EUROMEET 2017 please fill out the call for ENOS Experience[https://www.outdoor-sports-network.eu/page.cfm?docid=enos-experiences]ENOS Experiences [https://www.outdoor-sports-network.eu/page.cfm?docid=enos-experiences] is a tool for collecting and sharing information and knowledge on Europeanoutdoor sports projects. [http://6h0x.mjt.lu/tplimg/6h0x/b/0n3k/slw3n.jpeg][https://www.outdoor-sports-network.eu/] [http://6h0x.mjt.lu/tplimg/6h0x/b/0n3k/slw40.png][https://www.outdoor-sports-network.eu/page.cfm?docid=pages&pageid=213]ON THE SUMMIT :ENOS & BOSS !!! ENOS is delighted to have been awarded a major European Erasmus + Project calledBOSS (Benefits of Outdoor Sports for Societies) which aims to create aninnovative method to measure in economic terms the value of the social benefitsof outdoor sports.A major focus of ENOS' work over the next 3 years will be to gather and analysedata on the social benefits of Outdoor SportsSUCCESSFUL#BEACTIVE - GETWET Sailing, canoeing, rowing or swimming' - Watersports are Enhanced Together! Six ENOS partners have been working hard throughout 2016 to implement thisErasmus Project in the lead up to and during EWOS (European Week of Sport). Over5000 people were able to try water sports and the partnership is developing aToolkit to support agencies that are trying to develop Watersports. A seminar will be held in Brussels to share the knowledge on this on 29thMarch 2017. More information can be found at www.beactive-getwet.eu[http://www.beactive-getwet.eu] [http://6h0x.mjt.lu/tplimg/6h0x/b/0n3k/slw4x.png][https://www.outdoor-sports-network.eu/page.cfm?docid=pages&pageid=213] [http://6h0x.mjt.lu/tplimg/6h0x/b/0n3k/slgwi.jpeg] facebook [https://www.mailjet.com/images/theme/v1/icons/ico-social/facebook.png][https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=[[SHORT_PERMALINK]]]Share[https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=[[SHORT_PERMALINK]]]twitter[https://www.mailjet.com/images/theme/v1/icons/ico-social/twitter.png][https://twitter.com/home?status=[[SHORT_PERMALINK]]]Tweet[https://twitter.com/home?status=[[SHORT_PERMALINK]]]google[https://www.mailjet.com/images/theme/v1/icons/ico-social/google-plus.png][https://plus.google.com/share?url=[[SHORT_PERMALINK]]]+1[https://plus.google.com/share?url=[[SHORT_PERMALINK]]][http://6h0x.mjt.lu/tplimg/6h0x/b/0n3k/sl0i7.jpeg] Sommaire : * EUROMEET 2017 : RÉSERVEZ LA DATE ! * N'OUBLIEZ-PAS DE PRÉSENTER VOTRE PROJET AUX EUROMEET 2017 ! * ON THE TOP : ENOS & BOSS * SUCCÈS D' #BEACTIVE - GETWET ! [http://6h0x.mjt.lu/tplimg/6h0x/b/0n3k/slw4s.png][https://www.outdoor-sports-network.eu/index.cfm?lang=fr]DATE À RÉSERVER !! Euromeet 2017 se tiendra du 26 au 30 Septembre à : La Seu de Urgell - Pyrenees.Le 4ème rassemblement Euromeet est une conférence majeure organisée par ENOS(European Network of Outdoor Sports) qui traite des questions actuelles dudéveloppement et de la pratique des sports de nature en Europe.Profitez d'organiser votre propre réunion le 25 Septembre !INTERVENEZ DURANT L'EUROMEET 2017 ! Nature et sports en zones protégées + tourisme + Sports de nature et santé +évènement sportif de masse sont les quatre thèmes des Euromeet 2017. 1. Remplissez ENOS Experience ![https://www.outdoor-sports-network.eu/page.cfm?docid=enos-experiences]ENOS Expériences [https://www.outdoor-sports-network.eu/page.cfm?docid=enos-experiences] est un outil pour collecter et partager les projets dans les Sports de natureEuropéens. Vous pouvez présenter vos expériences et intervenir durant les NATUREAND SPORT EUROMEET 2017.[http://6h0x.mjt.lu/tplimg/6h0x/b/0n3k/slw3n.jpeg][https://www.outdoor-sports-network.eu/index.cfm?lang=fr] [http://6h0x.mjt.lu/tplimg/6h0x/b/0n3k/slw40.png][https://www.outdoor-sports-network.eu/page.cfm?docid=pages&pageid=213]BOSS ET ENOS :RETENU PAR L'U.E. ! Résumer l'aspect social sera l'un des sujets principaux des Euromeet 2017. Eneffet, ENOS s'est vu affilier au Projet Européen Erasmus + :BOSS (Benefits of Outdoor Sports for Societies). Ce projet a pour but de définir et quantifier les bénéfices sociauxqu'engendrent les sports de Nature.GETWET / #BEACTIVE. Sur l'eau, en canoë, plongée, en canyonisme, en surf etc... : Comment développer les sports aquatiques ensemble ? 6 partenaires d'ENOS onttravaillé à la mise en place du projet Erasmus + durant 2016, avec le projetphare : EWOS (European Week of sport).7000 enfants ont pratiqué, entre autres faits et chiffres. Les conclusionsmontrent le chemin à parcourir! Le séminaire final avec la production du kit d'outils aura lieux à Bruxelles :Le 29 Mars 2017[http://6h0x.mjt.lu/tplimg/6h0x/b/0n3k/slw4x.png][https://www.outdoor-sports-network.eu/page.cfm?docid=pages&pageid=213] [http://6h0x.mjt.lu/tplimg/6h0x/b/0n3k/slgsj.jpeg] facebook [https://www.mailjet.com/images/theme/v1/icons/ico-social/facebook.png][https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=[[SHORT_PERMALINK]]]Share[https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=[[SHORT_PERMALINK]]]twitter[https://www.mailjet.com/images/theme/v1/icons/ico-social/twitter.png][https://twitter.com/home?status=[[SHORT_PERMALINK]]]Tweet[https://twitter.com/home?status=[[SHORT_PERMALINK]]]google[https://www.mailjet.com/images/theme/v1/icons/ico-social/google-plus.png][https://plus.google.com/share?url=[[SHORT_PERMALINK]]]+1[https://plus.google.com/share?url=[[SHORT_PERMALINK]]]This e-mail has been sent to [[EMAIL_TO]], click here to unsubscribe[[UNSUB_LINK_EN]].