“Taking action together for the sustainable and responsible development of outdoor sports across Europe”

The objectives for ENOS link to the mission and these are:

1. Taking action and supporting responsible and sustainable access and use of landscape, marine areas, habitats and eco-systems.

2. Taking action and advocating for climate action within and outside of the outdoor sports sector.

3. Supporting the organization and management of outdoor sports both on a national and transnational basis through knowledge sharing and exchange.

4. Generating and providing evidence on the value of outdoor sports to support healthy lifestyles for all in Europe.

5. Generating and providing evidence that outdoor sport can provide genuine environmental, educative, social and economic benefits to individuals, communities, regions and nations.

6. Promoting equality of opportunity, diversity and social inclusion in participation in outdoor sports.

7. Empowering and inspiring the sector to network and develop joint projects and funding applications.

8. Supporting trans-national approaches to the development of leaders, instructors and coaches, to develop knowledge, skills and employment.

9. Advocating and championing for outdoor sports at a strategic level in Europe



ENOS Definition of Outdoor Sports

The starting point of this definition is the Council of Europe definition of sport as follows:

“Sport” means all forms of physical activity which, through casual or organised participation, aim at expressing or improving physical fitness and mental well-being, forming social relationships or obtaining results in competition at all levels.*

*RECOMMENDATION No. R (92) 13 REV OF THE COMMITTEE OF MINISTERS TO MEMBER STATES ON THE REVISED EUROPEAN SPORTS CHARTER (adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 24 September 1992 at and revised on 16 May 2001)

In relation to the core work that we do, ENOS have defined outdoor sports as activities:

  • that are normally carried out with a strong relation to nature and landscape and the core aim is dealing with natural elements rather than with an object
  • It may include activities that have their roots in natural places but use artificial structures designed to replicate the natural environment.
  • where the natural setting is paramount and that any infrastructure is minimal and focused on protecting the environment.
  • that involve physical activity
  • that are based on man or natural element power and are generally not motorized during the activity itself
  • that may use some form of tool (for example a surf board, bicycle, skis etc) or just involve the human body


ENOS Annual Report 2022

The European Network of Outdoor Sports (ENOS) released its annual report for 2022, highlighting its revised aims and objectives, partnerships and collaborations, and involvement in various EU projects. The report also discusses the network’s involvement with the European Commission’s SHARE Initiative and Green Sports Expert Group, as well as its efforts to promote sustainability and inclusion in outdoor sports.

These are some of the contents you can find in the report:

– Working with the European Commission
– EU projects
– Webinars
– ENOS Sustainability group
– Partnerships and collaboration
– ENOS Management Committee (MC) meeting, Ponta Delgada, Azores 5th-8th July
– Euro’meet 2022
– New Management Committee members and ENOS working groups
– ENOS Social Value of Volunteers 2022

ENOS Management Committee

Mike McClure

Mike McClure


Sport Northern Ireland – UK

João Zamith

João Zamith

Vice Chairman

Surf Club Viana – Portugal

Maxine Gregory

Maxine Gregory


Sheffield Hallam University – UK

Andreas Thomann

Andreas Thomann


Technical University Munich – Germany

Barbara Eigenschenk

Barbara Eigenschenk

Head of Sustainability

Technical University of Munich – Germany

Mark Torsius

Mark Torsius


International Mountain Bicycling Association Europe – Netherlands

Benjamin Billet

Benjamin Billet

Head of Policy

CREPS Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes – France

Chris Kay

Chris Kay

Head of Inclusion

Leeds Beckett University – UK

Nico Graaff

Nico Graaff

Board member

Mountain Bike Forum – Germany

Arne Strate

Arne Strate

Board member

European Outdoor Group –

Rachel Shaw

Rachel Shaw

Board member

Leave No Trace – Ireland

Andra Croituru

Andra Croituru

Board member

Pro Park – Romania

Raluca Diroescu

Raluca Diroescu

Board member

Laura Suau

Laura Suau

Board member

Fédération Internationale de Tourisme Equestre (FITE) – France

Frédéric Bouix

Frédéric Bouix

Board member

Fédération Internationale de Tourisme Equestre (FITE) – France

John Bogelund

John Bogelund

Board member

Silkeborg Municipality – Denmark


The ENOS Network is growing from strength to strength with its expertise in outdoor sports on the European scene. Welcoming new organisations, it is growing in competence and aims to become more and more important by combining the knowledge of its members.

CREPS Rhône Alpes – site de Vallon Pont d’Arc (National Government Department or Agency)

Impasse de la grande armée, 07 150 Vallon-Pont-d’Arc, FRANCE

Sport Northern Ireland (National Government Department or Agency)

Upper Malone Road BT9 5LA Belfast, NOTHERN IRELAND, UK

Surf Clube de Viana (Other NGO)

Rua Manuel Fiúza Júnior, 4900-408 Viana do Castelo, PORTUGAL

The National Trust (Other NGO)

Epsom road, White Horse Business Park, BA14 0XF  Towbridge Wilshire, UK

Fédération Française d’Equitation (National or International Federation of Sport)

Parc équestre fédéral, 41 600 Lamotte Beuvron, FRANCE

Suomen Latu (National or International Federation of Sport)

Radiokatu 20, 00240 Helsinki, FINLAND

Fakultät für Sport- und Gesundheitswissenschaftenuomen (Research Center/Institute)

Georg-Brauchle-Ring 60/62, 80992 München, GERMANY

Association UCPA Sport Vacances (Educational establishment)

17 Rue Rémi Durmoncel, 75 698 Paris cedex 14, FRANCE

Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln (Research center/Institute)

Am Sportpark Müngersdorf 6, 50933 Köln, GERMANY

National Sports Academy “Vassil Levski” (Educational establishment)

Students town, 01700 Sofia, BULGARIA

European Outdoor Group (EOG) (Other NGO)

Gartenstrasse 2, 06304 Zug, SWITZERLAND

Comité Régional Olympique et Sportif Français des Pays de la Loire (Other NGO)

44 rue Romain Rolland, 44 103 Nantes Cedex 4, FRANCE

Fédération Internationale de Tourisme Equestre (FITE) (National or International Federation of Sport)

Parc équestre fédéral, 41 600 Lamotte Beuvron, FRANCE

Sheffield Hallam University (Educational Establishment)

A118 Collegiate Hall Collegiate Crescent, S10 2BP Sheffield, UK

INEFC Barcelona (Educational Establishment)

Av. de l’Estadi, 12-22, 08038 Barcelona, SPAIN

Moniteur Cycliste Français (Other NGO)

14 rue de la République, 38 000 Grenoble, FRANCE

Regione Lombardia – DG Sport and Youth Policies (Regional Government Department or Agency)

Piazza Città di Lombardia 1, 20124 Milan, ITALY

IMBA Europe (National or International Federation of Sport)

Landjuweel 60, 3905 PH Veenendaal, NETHERLANDS

Bundesverband Kanu e.V. (Other NGO)

Bövemannstrasse 1, 48268 Greven, GERMANY

ERCI team Onlus Association (Other NGO)

Via Luigi Pasteur 13, 6705 Avezzano (L’ Aquila), ITALY


Calle Provenca 500 Puerta 4, 08025 Barcelona, SPAIN

Asbl Buxsail (Other NGO)

Rue de Fierlant 19, Bte 12, Bövemannstrasse 1, 01190 Bruxelles, BELGIUM

Mountainbike Forum Deutschland e. V. (Other NGO)

Jahnallee 59 (Raum B105), 04109 Leipzig, GERMANY

Sport Sciences School of Rio Maior (Educational Establishment)

Avª Dr. Mário Soares, 2040-413 Rio Major, PORTUGAL

Department of Culture and Leisure, Municipality of Silkeborg (Local Government Department or Agency)

Sovej 1, 08600 Silkeborg, DENMARK

Associação de Trilhos de BTT da Madeira (ATBM) (Other NGO)

Rua 3L de Janeiro 72 6E, 9050-401 Funchal, MADEIRA PORTUGAL

Syndicat national des professionnels de la speleologie et du canyon (SNPSC) (Associate membership)

Mairie – Place de l’Hôtel de Ville, 26 420 La Chapelle-en-Vercors, FRANCE

European Ramblers’Association (National or International Federation of Sport)

Revolucni 1056/8a POB 37, 11005 Praha 1, CZECH REPUBLIC

National Olympic Committee of Denmark (National or International Federation of Sport)

House of Sport, 02605 Broendby, DENMARK

Île de La Réunion Tourisme (Regional Government Department or Agency)

4, rue Jules Thirel, Immeuble La Balance, Bât.B, CS 61087, 97864 Saint-Paul Cedex, FRANCE

FCMP-Federação de Campismo e Montanhismo de Portugal (National or International Federation of Sport)

Av. Coronel Eduardo Galhardo 24 D, 1199-007 Lisboa, PORTUGAL

Ecole Nationale de Voile et Sports Nautiques (Educational Establishment)

Beg Rohu, 56 510 Saint-Pierre-Quiberon, FRANCE

CREPS Montpellier (Regional Government Department or Agency)

2 avenue Charles Flahaut, 34 090 Montpellier, FRANCE

Leave No Trace Ireland (Other NGO)

Castlebar Street, F28 KD63 Westport, co. Mayo, IRELAND

Centre for the Research and Technology of Agro-Environmental and Biological Sciences / Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (CITA / UTAD) (Research Center/Institute)

Quinta de Prados, 5000-801 Vila Real, PORTUGAL

Substance (Medium Company)

3 Chepstow St, M1 5FW Manchester, UK

Municipality of Mafra (Local Government Department or Agency)

Praca do Municipio, 2644-001 Mafra, PORTUGAL

Lithuanian Sports University (Educational Establishment)

Sporto Str. 6, LT-44221 Kaunas, LITHUANIA

The Outdoor Partnership (Other NGO)

Plas y Brenin, LL24 0ET Capel Curig, Conwy, NORTH WALES UK

Adventurous Experiences Ltd (Educational Establishment)

Patrick Road, IM4 3BR St Johns, ISLE OF MAN

Keilir – Miðstöð vísinda, fræða og atvinnulífs (Educational Establishment)

Grænásbraut 910, 262 Reykjanesbær, ICELAND

Svenskt Friluftsliv (Other NGO)

Johannesfredsvägen 7, 168 69 Bromma, SWEDEN

Folkungaland (Other NGO)

Kluservägen 13, 585 76 Vreta Kloster, SWEDEN

Leeds Beckett University (Educational Establishment)

Fairfax 103, LS63QH Leeds, UK

Ribamontan al Mar City Council (Local Government Department or Agency)

Avenida del Ayuntamiento, Cabriazo Cantabria, SPAIN

Evoride (Small Company)

2 rue de la natiere, 35 400 Saint-Malo, FRANCE

Fondazione Ambrosiana per la Vita (Local Government Department or Agency)

Piazza San Giorgio 2, 2012

Canoeing Ireland (National or International Federation of Sport)

National Sports Campus, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15, IRELAND

Mistra Sport & Outdoors (Research centre/institute)

Mid-Sweden University, 83125 Östersund, SWEDEN

Faculté des STAPS Montpellier (Research centre/institute)

700 avenue du Pic Saint-Loup, 34090 Montpellier, FRANCE

Surfrider Foundation Europe (Other NGO)

33 Allée du Moura, 64 200 Biarritz, FRANCE

Mountain Bikers Foundation (Other NGO)

14 rue de la République, 38 000 Grenoble, FRANCE

County Administrative Board of Västernorrland (Regional Government Department or Agency)

Pumpbacksgatan 19, 871 86 Härnösand, SWEDEN

Associazione Sportiva Dilettantistica Trekkify (Other NGO)

Via dell’Uva 1, 06 135 (PG), ITALY

UFOLEP (National or International Federation of Sport)

3 rue Récamier, 75 341 Paris cedex, FRANCE

Sport Ireland (National Government Department or Agency)

Snugborough Road, Blanchardstown Dublin 15, IRELAND

Fédération Française de Randonnée (National or International Federation of Sport)

Rue du dessous des Berges, 75 013 Paris, FRANCE

Federation Française Handisport (National or International Federation of Sport)

42 rue Louis Lumière, 75 020 Paris, FRANCE

ADP Sport Events AB (Small Company)

Kommunalgatan 13, 27398 Smedstorp, SWEDEN

Sport Azores – Regional Directorate for Sport – Azores Government (Regional Government Department or Agency)

Rua da Sé 158, 9700-191 Angra do Heroísmo, PORTUGAL

CAF Risl’ Adventure (Other NGO)

13 lan pièce du Boulay, 61 300 Saint Sulpice sur Risle, FRANCE

Forestry Commission (National Government Department or Agency)

620 Brsitol Business Park; Coldharbour Lane, BS16 1EJ Bricklane, UK

The Danish Foundation for Culture and Sports Facilities (Other NGO)

Holmens Boulevard 13, 05800 Nyborg, DENMARK

Charles University; Faculty of Physical Education and Sport (Educational Establishment)

José Martího 31, 162 52 Prague 6, CZECH REPUBLIC

Outdoor Institute (Research centre/institute)

Vejlsøvej 51, 08600 Silkeborg, DENMARK

Protect Our Winters Europe (Other NGO)

Pembaurstraße 14, 06020 Innsbruck, AUSTRIA

County Administrative Board of Halland (Regional Government Department or Agency)

Slottsgatan 2, 301 86 Halmstad, SWEDEN