The European Outdoor Sports Campus is a new flagship initiative of the European Network of Outdoor Sports, initiated and supported of the European Outdoor Sports Centre / CREPS Auvergne Rhône-Alpes in France. The objective of this initiative is to develop a shared strategic mobility framework for European mobility of staff and students/learners in the outdoor sports education sector based on the mobility schemes of the Erasmus+ programme. This framework is open to any organisation active in the field of outdoor education.
Key objectives
- Building a strong network of education stakeholders active in the field of outdoor sports in Europe
- Building the capacity of VET or HE outdoor sports education providers to carry out high quality mobility projects, and their ability to form quality partnerships while developing their internationalisation strategy
- Raising the quality of outdoor sports education through best practice exchange in the field of outdoor sports education
- Sharing best practices and promoting the use of new and innovative pedagogical methods and technologies, and supporting the professional development of teachers, trainers and other staff involved in outdoor sports education
- Improving participants (both staff and learners) key competences and transversal skills, leadership, intercultural, communication and language skills
- Making mobility a realistic possibility for any learner in VET or HE in the sector
- Fostering the quality, transparency and recognition of learning outcomes of mobility periods abroad for staff and learners in the sector
Is the campus a phyical place where I can get an education in the field of outdoor sports?
No. The campus is not a physical campus where you physically get an education but a network of outdoor sports stakeholder active in the field of education willing to cooperate on transnational mobility projects and willing to be part of the building of a shared vision.
Which type of organisations can join the campus?
Any organisation active in the Higher Education (HE) field or vocational education training centre (VET) with expertise on the topic of outdoor sports are welcome to join the network. Any organisation active in the broad outdoor sports education sector can also join the campus. However some of the features of the campus wont be fully available for the organisations that don’t apply under the HE och VET policy framework of the European Commission. Exemple of organisations that can join the campus are Universities providing outdoor education, Outdoor sports training centrers for outdoor education professionals, folk high schools, etc..
Vision: Building the European Education Area for Outdoor Sports
By 2025, the outdoor sports education sector will have a strong capacity to provide Erasmus+ learning opportunities for learners and staff, in line with intentions of the European Education Area, building enhanced, dynamic, resilient, modern and inclusive outdoor sports education system.

Join the launch event to find out what’s in it for your organisation active in the field of outdoor education
On january 17th, a webinar will be organised to launch the campus and introduce the campus to any stakeholder that would like to get more information about the initiative.

More information can also be found at or reach out at CESN-International or