During the Euro’Meet 2024 in Lecco, we were delighted to have with us Alexandre Fonseca, an expert in physical activity. Alexandre conducted two training sessions before the start of the day to better understand our body, movement and the health of our muscles. In this complete guide you will find a multitude of exercises for everyone. Don’t miss the opportunity to learn something new and apply it to your favourite outdoor sport !
This guide aims to support you with simple exercises that take little time but can help you sustain your practice or sport and diminish the risk of injuries. These exercises can be named “fascia training” or “fascial fitness”. However, if you wish to do away with the labels, you can think of these exercises as supporters of the health and strength of your connective tissue and ultimately of your body.
The exercises presented here were part of two morning sessions at the Euro’Meet 2024 of the European Network of Outdoor Sports (ENOS), which took place in Lecco, from 10 to 12 September 2024. The Euro’Meet 2024 focused on innovation in the context of outdoor sports and activities, demonstrating how introducing new technologies can enrich the sporting experience and contribute to creating citizens who are aware of the importance of sustainability and health.

The exercises require little to no equipment and can be done mostly with your body weight. The materials required are a marble, a towel, and awall and this will be mentioned in the explanation of the exercise. Most exercises should be accessible to everyone, however, if you have anymedical problem, please consult your doctor before attempting them. If you wish to make any exercise easier, you can diminish the time undertension, speed, or weight if used. If a specific exercise is too easy, you can do the opposite. Regressions and progressions will be indicated throughout.
The booklet is organized into three main chapters: Fascia and Outdoor Sports; the detailed description of the exercises in the session with pictures,explanation, and benefits of each exercise; and a final chapter with workout examples and tips on how to take your practice, training and researchon the topic further if you so wish.
“This booklet contains everything I know and do myself for my health and wellness and I sincerely hope it will beuseful and enjoyable for you”
Alexandre fonseca