Jun 29, 2021 | News from the network
Leave No Trace Ireland is now launching a new national public awareness campaign, Love This Place, Leave No Trace to ask the public to play their part by acting responsibly so that everyone can experience and enjoy outdoor spaces while helping to protect them from...
Jun 3, 2021 | News from the network
The Sustainability and Outdoor Education (SEE) project aims to increase outdoor sports participation and enhance the protection of natural landscapes through education on responsible outdoor behaviour. This will be achieved...
Jun 1, 2021 | News, Webinar
On May 25 and 26th, Surfrider Foundation Europe invited European Sport stakeholders at European level to a dialogue on sport in the background of the urgent need of waste reduction, carbon footprint reduction, adaptation to climate change, in presence of French...
May 29, 2021 | News from the network
At the end of April, EU Member States were invited to submit their plans to the European Commission ‘Recovery and Resilience Facility’. This programme, which addresses environmental issues and digitalisation in priority, provides a total of 750 billion...
May 29, 2021 | News from the network
Outdoor sports can create inspirational opportunities for people with disabilities and this webinar will provide opportunities to hear about inspirational projects and programmes that will show how we can be more inclusive for people with disabilities, people from...