13 Outdoor Sport training providers from across Europe to test draft toolkit
The SEE Project (Sustainability & Environmental Education in Outdoor Sports) aims to enhance the protection of natural landscapes through education in and through sport with special focus on responsible outdoor behaviour and skills development for outdoor sports leaders, trainers, guides, or instructors.
The initial phase of the project- Work package one (WP1)– delved into the perceived issues of outdoor sports (OS) in protected and non-protected areas from the perspective of the land manager. The top three perceived threats from OS were disturbance of fauna, unleashed dogs and erosion. Within WP1 were four other reports, looking at the broader sustainability issues of outdoor sports, best (current) practices and leadership training by outdoor sports in terms of environmental education.
The next phase of the project – Work Package two (WP2)- involved project partners participating in several exchange meetings where knowledge of current best practice in environmental education was exchanged through various outdoor education activities. This was an opportunity for partners to test different methods in teaching environmental education through a variety of OS activities. The knowledge gained from these meetings has assisted in the development of an educational toolbox for outdoor sport instructors to use in their future education. The toolbox includes various pedagogical activities, addressing global topics (e.g. sustainability, carbon emissions), general topics (e.g. mobility and travel, equipment, consumption, landscape interpretation), sport related impacts (e.g. nature connection, fauna and habitats, littering) and even sport specific impacts (e.g. marine sports, rock climbing, MTB).
As the project enters its final year, the next phase involves testing and evaluating the toolkit (WP3). Early February, 13 selected training providers will meet in la Seu d’Urgell for a train-the-trainer program. The 13 training providers from 8 different EU countries, represent outdoor sports like hiking, climbing, mountaineering, surfing, swimming, sailing, canoeing, mountain biking and speleology.

During the train-the-trainer event, the selected training providers will learn more about the process model that includes 5 steps. From disruption and raising awareness, impact analysis of various outdoor sports and selecting the right pedagogical activities, to building integrative course concepts and putting them in action. After the training event, these 13 organisations will run pilot programs in in their own countries between February and May. After the evaluation of both the pilot projects and content of the draft SEE project toolkit, the final version will be prepared fur further dissemination and as a free public resources. The final SEE project dissemination conference will take place in Munich in October of this year. Final dates yet to be announced.
For more info, visit the project SEE project website www.see-project.eu