The Swedish Association of Outdoor Organisations (Svenskt Friluftsliv) has published a new guide on how to promote sustainability within the outdoor movement. The document is not only emphasizing issues related to sustainability, but equally much on how to achieve change at individual, organizational and societal level.
It is not enough to know facts about climate, sustainability and awareness that change is needed, you also need knowledge, methods and skills on how to promote change, according to the author Johan Faskunger. Without principles of change and actions tailored to suit every possible local context, you will not be successful in the work towards more sustainable activities and organsations.
Johan Faskunger (Svenskt Friluftsliv)

The report contains several chapters that organisations can use to plan, start and maintain change.
“We translated one of the chapters to English for the ENOS-readers. The chapter uses Sweden as the backdrop to motivate why change and engagement is needed. The outdoor movement is not responsible for the climate crisis, nor can solve the problem in isolation. However, the outdoor movement has very high credibility in society and reaches a large share of the population annually. In collaboration with other stakeholders, outdoor organisations can make a real difference.”